Brad Michael Brinkely
6-14-1973 to 10-20-2008
Brad was an amazing man who had a passion for life. He spent four years in the military straight out of high school. He was a SP (security police) in the Air Force. He did a two year tour at Raf Lakenheath in England, and then a year at Ki Sawyer AFB in Michigan. He played bass in a local band in St. Louis for about two years by the name of Mindshaft. Brad tried heroin just one time, but that one time took his life. For those of you who think, "Oh, I'll just try it one time, what could happen," let Brad be an example that one time could end your life. Brad was a dear friend, a brother to everyone who knew him, and a die hard "gearhead" who never went a day without listening to the band Clutch. His life was cut way too short. He left us with too many good memories to count. Brad loved people and always gave without expecting anything in return. He loved music, video games, and being with people he cared about. Brad is missed by his family and friends everyday.